Managing concerns about pharmacy professionals: let us know your experience of fitness to practice

June 2023

Help us evaluate our five-year strategy for changing the way we manage concerns about pharmacy professionals

In June 2021, we published our five-year strategy- Managing concerns about pharmacy professionals: our strategy for change. Guided by our 2030 vision and our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, the strategy outlines a programme for change. It sets out how we will take prompt action to protect patients when needed, while at the same time promoting and encouraging a learning culture that allows pharmacy professionals to deal with any concerns and go back to practising in appropriate circumstances.

The strategy also focuses on how to make sure the decisions we make are fair and that we eliminate any discrimination or bias in decision-making. We have changed the language we use and the way we communicate with people involved to humanise what can sometimes be a stressful process. In October 2021, we also launched our service promises, so people know what they can expect from us if they raise a concern or one is raised about them.

We are now starting to evaluate the strategy to find out whether, and to what extent, the strategy is achieving its aims and outcomes. This will help our understanding of its effectiveness and provide vital information on where we can continue to improve our approach to managing concerns.

We are looking for individuals who would be willing to share their experience of being involved in a fitness to practice concern (both positive and negative) in order to help inform this evaluation.

This will be undertaken by our evaluation partner, Grant Thornton. It will look at how the strategy has:

  • improved the experience of people involved in fitness to practice (those who raise concerns, professionals, witnesses etc.)
  • impacted the culture amongst pharmacy professionals and their attitudes to openness and honesty
  • improved the process and made it fairer
  • changed perceptions of fitness to practice

The first phase of the evaluation process will take place from July to September 2023. Please register your interest if you would like to take part. We welcome all feedback from individuals and organisations.

We are committed to making our ambitions a reality for the benefit of everyone involved and your contribution will help us to make sure patients and the public continue to be protected while being fair to pharmacy professionals. 


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