Search our register for a pharmacist

We maintain a comprehensive, fully up-to-date, pharmacy register. As part of this, all pharmacists who are currently licensed to practise in Britain must renew their registration with us annually and you can check their details and registration status here. You can also see details of any Fitness to Practise decisions relating to a registrant.

The data for this search was last updated: 27/07/2024 01:36:43

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Your search returned over 10 entries. Search again to narrow your results.Displaying results 1 to 10 of 400
Last name Sort descending First names GPhC registration number Annotations Status Fitness to practise information
AliSee registration details Aamar 2218868 Independent Prescriber Registered No
AliSee registration details Abas Bashar 2066906 No Registered No
AliSee registration details Abbas 2211643 Independent Prescriber Registered No
AliSee registration details Abdale 2082544 No Registered No
AliSee registration details Abdiraheem 2082500 No Registered No
AliSee registration details Abdulrahman Abdullahi 2231993 No Registered No
AliSee registration details Abid 2067881 No Registered No
AliSee registration details Abid Anwar 2070036 Independent Prescriber Registered No
AliSee registration details Abrar Abdul Karim Juma 2228412 No Registered No
AliSee registration details Adam 2232134 No Registered No